
UN Women: the only organisation working towards gender equality at all levels, in all areas of society. In the UK and around the world

Together, we can create a more equal future

Activists and participants taking part in UN Women UK events

Acting on gender inequality in the UK. Supporting our UN family overseas

UN Women UK is the UK National Committee for UN Women. 

We exist to take action on gender equality here in the UK. Whilst supporting the work of our UN Women family around the world. 

Because gender equality is an urgent issue both in the UK and across the globe.

We’re here for all women and non-binary people who experience gender discrimination.

We understand the intersections of gender, race, disability, religion, sexual orientation, nationality and social background. 

When we talk about women, we’re talking about women from across those intersectionalities.

If nothing changes, we’re looking at a 300-year wait for gender equality

That’s too long

“Women’s rights are being abused, threatened, and violated around the world. Progress won over decades is vanishing before our eyes.

In Afghanistan, women and girls have been erased from public life. In many places, women’s sexual and reproductive rights are being rolled back. In some countries, girls going to school risk kidnapping and assault. In others, police prey on vulnerable women they have sworn to protect.

Gender equality is growing more distant. On the current track, UN Women puts it 300 years away.”

UN Secretary-General, António Guterres


Gender inequality is a question of power. We need to equalise that power.


Gender inequality permeates every corner of society

Poverty to politics. Corporations to climate. They’ve all got one thing in common: they’re impacted by women’s rights.

When women’s voices aren’t represented in government, the laws and policies that government designs don’t adequately reflect the needs and priorities of women in that country.

When climate disasters strike, women and girls are hit the hardest. They experience the most severe effects of climate change, amplifying pre-existing gender inequalities and threatening their livelihoods, health and security.

When a woman has a child, she’s too often forced to make the choice between costly childcare and her job. 

When she’s walking down the street, she’s glancing behind her, often with keys in hand, hoping she will get home safe.

Gender inequality isn’t a local issue or even a global issue. It’s a societal issue. It’s prevalent in the UK, just as it is around the world.

This is why we’re taking action at all levels, in all areas of society

With governments

Our APPG (All Party Parliamentary Group) and activities at the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) enable us to work alongside governments to plan for a gender-equal future



With companies

Our corporate partnerships, through programmes such as Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEPs), HeForShe Alliance, Unstereotype Alliance and Safe Spaces Now, are breaking down gender stereotypes to make the world a safer place for women



With communities

Our UN Women UK grassroots community, as well as our knowledge-sharing and educational work, empowers individuals to share, learn and take collective action towards gender equality


Change needs to happen everywhere. In all areas. At all levels of society. So when one area stalls, another moves forward

We’re always progressing. Through corporates, communities and governments. Which is exactly what our work is designed to do

This is how you create sustainable progress. By taking action at every level

Together for gender equality since 2010

UN Women UK has been working towards gender equality since 2010. In that time, we’ve grown, evolved and come together to shape a better future.

Some of our highlights along the way include:

  • 2018: we introduced Art of Empowerment, a new fundraising initiative linking women leading the way in the art world with our wider community of women leading the change towards gender equality
  • 2021: we launched our Safe Spaces Now programme, a UK first, based on 10 years of creating safer public spaces around the world through our wider UN Women family and the Safe Cities and Safe Public Spaces UN Women global framework
  • 2022: we launched our UN Women UK Community, bringing together the UK’s most ambitious changemakers to accelerate progress towards gender equality

Our grassroots community

Free to join, this is a space where we share our learnings, listen to your views, get inspired by your input and co-create solutions together

So often, it’s your ideas that make the biggest impact. We’re building a more equal future, together

You can help make gender equality a reality for your generation

When you become a regular donor to UN Women UK, you’re helping deliver key campaigns, like Safe Spaces Now here in the UK, fund humanitarian aid in crisis situations, and rebuild communities hit by natural disasters and political unrest

Plus, get access to your exclusive donors’ newsletter, with everything you need to hold your own with the latest facts, figures and stories in your next conversation on gender equality

Could you help us skip the 300-year wait for gender equality?