Gender equality starts here, with you! Become a monthly donor.

Women's Emergency Fund

Supporting the Women’s Emergency Fund ensures funding is rapidly channelled where its needed when a crisis happens, it allows us to get immediate support to women and girls on the ground. Whether that be climate-related disasters, conflict or poverty and disease threatening women’s ability to survive. 

Donation Amount

Boost your donation by 25%

If you’re a UK taxpayer, check the box to claim Gift Aid and increase the value of your donation

We’re looking at a 300-year wait for gender equality.

You’re about to help change that.

If nothing changes, it’ll be 300 years before we achieve gender equality.

Every day, women and girls around the world are seeing their rights cut back. Girls are risking kidnapping and assault for going to school. Women’s sexual and reproductive rights are being driven back. And when a crisis hits, women and girls are affected first and worst.

The patriarchy is fighting back. But so are you.

Help make gender equality a reality for your generation

You can help give every woman safety, choice and a voice.

We’re taking action at every level of society. From governments to corporations. Businesses to individuals. People like you.

When women are empowered, society thrives. Everyone wins.

Now you can take action on gender equality


Join the Donor Network and get a monthly briefing on gender equality sent straight to your inbox. Whilst helping bring equality closer

Your donations will help deliver key campaigns, like Safe Spaces Now here in the UK, fund humanitarian aid in crisis situations, and rebuild communities hit by natural disasters and political unrest.

As part of the Donor Network, you’ll receive:

  • Your monthly donor-exclusive newsletter – get our monthly donors’ briefing on a key issue impacting gender equality, straight from our Executive Director. And hold your own with the latest facts, figures and stories in your next conversation on gender equality
  • Early access to UK events – access registration for our events, like the Commission on the Status of Women, our feminist book club and UK workshops, 48+ hours before anyone else
  • An annual online donors’ seminar – join us each year to examine the state of gender equality and get answers to those big questions with the team at UN Women UK


The Women’s Emergency Fund

Donations will go directly to our Women’s Emergency Fund, supporting women facing urgent crises when they need support the most

Last year, this fund enabled us to act fast in Pakistan, Turkey and Syria, showing up for women and girls in their moments of most urgent need

The world’s media aren’t always able to cover everywhere that women desperately need your support. This fund will help to ensure that no women are forgotten

You’re helping to create…

Freedom from all kinds of sexual and gender-based violence Equal opportunities in work, economic independence, reproductive rights Full and fair representation in leadership, politics and society

We’re the only global organisation taking action on gender equality at every level of society


Here in the UK…

Gender inequality isn’t something that just other countries experience. It’s an urgent issue here in the UK and it’s impacting every level of society.

We’re working to change that. By advising governments on policies that prioritise gender equality. Working with companies to remove stereotypes and empower individuals. And leading campaigns, like Safe Spaces Now, to build safer public spaces.

We’re making the UK safer for everyone. One space at a time.

…and around the world

Women and girls are being erased from public life in Afghanistan.

Their education has been removed. They’ve been banned from most areas of the workforce. And prohibited from working in the aid sector.

This is an urgent priority. We’re working with our partner organisations, in-country colleagues and other UN bodies to change this. So women and girls can fulfill their potential and access their human rights once again.

The first step? Free access to education.

You can help make it happen.